Thursday, September 11, 2008

Home Alone

Ah… back after a long time… 6th semester results were out, and how did I fare? Well, the lowest ever in my academic profile… the crying, wailing, complaining part is over, so skip the speech please!!:) now I can proudly say “been there, done that” with respect to my marks. Just a way of looking at it! And then I was struck with a serious bout of flu. Man, the only thing worse than falling sick is falling sick alone and there’s no one to pamper you!!
This battle’s been raging in my head for a while, staying with parents or alone-which works out better? I know its an extremely tricky issue-I love staying at home, but I enjoy the freedom I get when I’m alone, I love it that I can stay up till 3 in the morning-NOT STUDING, but surfing the net, orkutting, reading, playing the guitar, that I can leave the lights on the entire night, that I can get beer bottles home, that I can listen to strange music with swear words enough to cut down a forest, watch FRIENDS all day(and night!!), freedom from the constant insinuating remarks when the chemistry’s not at its best… A common misconception, when you stay alone you realize the value of everything at home-when I go back to the confinement under the aegis of my parents, I feel claustrophobic.
I’m used to freedom now. One begins to get his/her priorities right, to see and appreciate the finer things around-not the smell or roses and color of the sky crap-stuff like how the tiniest gesture can go a long way, a simple smile, meeting an old friend, your favorite song, making it in the nick of time for the bus, all this puts a smile on your face. Contrary to popular belief that when you’re alone you become cold and more secretive, I have never been more known to people than now!!
Though all this sounds great, but sometimes I wonder if its too much of a trouble staying alone, if its worth all of the above. After all, what makes humans different from animals is the fact that we’re social beings. When you stay alone you realize that not everyone who said they will be there will actually be there-there’s a sense of caution while trusting people. After the initial attacks by loneliness, there is also the miserable feeling of isolation which can strike when you least expect it. Not that there aren’t enough people calling you or anything, but then it is just not the same. Initially it is all exciting, you’ll have friends over all the time, etc, and then it becomes mundane… almost dull… I don’t know how well I will be able to manage if I go back to living with “people”, how it’ll turn out when I have room mates/house mates again, all I have to say for now is, I know what Bill Watterson meant when he said this-

Lemme know what you think!:)